21st Century Thinkyhead

Welcome to the new Thinkyhead site, completely rebuilt using the Drupal website framework! Thanks to the new setup I'll be able to add content more frequently, including more audio, video, and images. And there are many other features just waiting to bust out! Check out the I ♥ Drupal page to find out more about my love for Drupal and its growing user community.

Although the technology underneath is completely new, the site design has remained mostly the same. I've polished and simplified the layout while using a larger font size to accommodate today's high resolution displays. The front page now displays the latest Thinkyhead news and product releases, and all site content is published in RSS feeds for your subscribing pleasure.

This overhaul is just the first step in modernizing my little software development empire. I'm planning to do a little podcasting, which will cover geeky, heady, scientific, and artsy topics, plus the latest music by Thinkyhead. I'll be making some screencasts as well, including a tutorial demonstrating how to use FretPet to make a composition in GarageBand.